Round 2 of the Junior Scotland Championship - Kames 2024

Round 2 of the Junior Scotland Championship - Kames 2024

Charlie Mathewson

12/05/2024     Rally News

After completing the training day on Saturday, the rally was in order.
We started the day off and tried to hit the ground running, after looking at the times to see how we had performed we realised it was going to be one hell of a fight to get any kind of good result!!
Eventually we finished the day in 2nd overall, with a few little moments!!!🙈
Massive well done to Walker Motorsport on the win, cracking pace all day!!
Also well done to Ollie Forrester on 3rd, you had me sweating lad.
Massive thanks to the Junior Rally Scotland team for organising the 2 days, we learnt lots and really enjoyed ourselves!
Another massive thanks to Ian Bass for keeping me right all day on such a small venue, textbook as always.
Finally a massive thanks to East Ayrshire Car Club for all their hard work and organisation that went into the event, after helping the Marshalls set up the event on Saturday night I realised how much work goes into the setup of an event, so thank you all.
Next up, Crail!!